We are excited to invite you to the Berkhamsted Deanery Lecture 2019 with Reverend Lucy Winkett
Berkhamsted Deanery Lecture 2019 with Rev Lucy Winkett - Good News or Fake News?
Thursday May 23rd at St Mary’s Northchurch at 7.45pm
A Christian perspective on broadcasting in echo chambers and filter bubbles, facing the challenge of a 24 hour news cycle.
Lucy Winkett is Rector of St James’s Church Piccadilly and a regular broadcaster on Radio 4 and Radio 3. She writes regularly for the national press and is a contributing editor to the news startup Tortoise Media, attempting to provide 'slow news' in a fast-paced news cycle.
Refreshments will be provided and parking is available at St Mary’s Primary School, New Road, Northchurch .
There is no need to book to attend this lecture and everybody is welcome! For further information please email revjagordon@gmail.com.