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St Mary's Summer Fete - a big thank you to all

Perfect summer weather provided the background for our summer fete this year, the first substantial fundraising event of St Mary’s since 2019.

The fete was a very enjoyable day for the whole community and provided a chance to meet and reconnect with friends we might not have seen for many months. Rev. Michael Eggleton opened the fete and pupils from St. Mary’s School performed country dancing. For children there was a host of activities in the rectory garden and on the school field we had the ever popular games.

The most delicious burgers were served fresh from the BBQ which you could enjoy with a glass of beer or Pimms. In the Parish Rooms we served tea and a tasty selection of cakes.

To the tunes of the Hemel Brass Band and Gillybillies visitors browsed through the stalls on the playground: books, gifts & toiletries, plants and flower arrangements, cakes, “nearly new items”, beautifully handcrafted and creative stationery, the bottle stall, raffles and tombola.

In the church professional soprano Madalina Tudorian gave a rendition of beautiful songs accompanied on the piano by Roger Bowley and vocally supported by Valerie Clark during Pergolesi’s Amen from Stabat Mater.

Although numbers were not as high as in previous years, we are very pleased that with the help of all we will be able to distribute nearly £4,000 to the supported charities local Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Trust – EHAAT and St Mary’s church fund and international Clare Hodgson’s charity GO MAD (Go Make a Difference) and Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal via DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee). A detailed breakdown of the takings per stall is displayed on the notice board at the back of the church.

Well done and a huge thank you to all of you, whether you helped with the organisation, the setting up of the stalls, clearing up after the fete, manning stalls, donating items, or simply coming to enjoy yourself, you all contributed to the success of the fete.

The date for next year’s fete will be fixed at the beginning of autumn, and if you feel you could help with the organisation or running a stall, please speak to Linda, Rachel, Evelyn or Margit.

The Fete Organising Committee


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